Human Resources Management in Municipalities
Human Resources Management in Municipalities Published by: Koohsar Publication Publication year : 2013 today, no one can deny the importance and the role of human resources in organizations. Organizations need capable and creative human resources to continue in a complicated and challenging environment.
Organizations need capable and creative human resources to continue in a complicated and challenging environment. Municipalities as the most important local organizations are not exempted from this issue and human resources are counted as the most valuable capital for them. There are numerous books and articles in the aspect of importance and role of human resources in governmental and private organizations generally or particularly, but there are very few for the importance and the role of human resources and basic and necessary aspects of human resources management in local organizations particularly municipalities. This book includes 208 pages and 7 chapters compiled for the order of IUESA and addressing the issue of human resources in municipalities.
The purpose of this book is addressing human resources efficient management in municipalities and the result of studying and research according to world municipalities’ administrative and employment structures and laws, employment style, service discontinuity and staff payment system, function evaluation system, training and knowledge- incensement human resources, their rationality in different fields and human resources management efficiency in urban economics.
Chapters of this book:
Chapter1: overview of human resources management
Chapter2: municipalities’ structure and administrative and employment laws
Chapter3: service discontinuity and staff payment system
Chapter4: human resources function evaluation system
Chapter5: rationality
Chapter6: training and knowledge- incensement human resources
Chapter7: human resources management efficiency in urban economics