Dr. Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozd Abadi

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Dr. Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozd Abadi

Asian Mayors Forum; objectives and achievements

Sunday, April 24, 2016 2:21 PM
شماره خبر: 175825

The 5th meeting of executive board of Asian Mayors Forum was held and co-hosted by Tehran and Qazvin from August 29th to September 1st 2015. This Forum was formed by innovative offer of Tehran Mayor in 2008 in order to integrate and interact with Asian cities and it has been held in Tehran, Istanbul, Bangkok and Haiku so far and it has had useful achievements.

At the 5th forum held with a considerable qualitative and quantitative growth compared to previous periods and the presence of figures, institutions and international organizations was remarkable. Joint issues and challenges of Asian cities such as environmental instability, poverty and inequality, social and cultural identity, urbanization process, transport problems and international tourism were discussed. Remarks of Tehran Mayor can be referred as strengths of this meeting. Pointing to the joint civil background of Asian cities and the need for mutual relationship, he said regional integration and cooperation is an effective way to enter global arena and avoid exploiting Asian cities.

Noting that Tehran global perspective as a knowledge-based city and focus of international interaction, he said, “citizen participation is a fundamental element parallel with sustainability of cities, and Asian cities should change into the most environmentalist, flourishing and sustainable cities of the world.

At this Forum, the municipalities’ reports of Diyarbakir, Osman Ghazi, Antalya and Bangkok included important points that showed Asian Mayors Forum reached to the point that can show its influence on social, economic and environmental arenas. Another interesting point of this meeting was proposal for Asia Tourism Association offered by the representative of the city of Sidon in Lebanon which it can lead to target tourism and upgrade its global status among Asian cities.

The idea of religious tourism was proposed by the representative of Shiraz in this meeting and the subject of creative city offered by the representative of Shiraz which they were important issues in this course of the meeting. Following the fifth meeting held in Qazvin, tourism and urban tourism were at the center of presentations and discussions, so that both Qazvin Mayor and Governor of this Province emphasized the necessity to strengthen cultural, social and political relations of Asian cities to develop tourism industry.

At Qazvin meeting, issues such as urban transport, empowering citizens and fight against poverty also were discussed. What is mentioned above was part of important issues discussed at the meeting. It is herald of the consistency of Asian Mayors Forum and its right movement in the direction of achieving fundamental goals of this Forum.

Undoubtedly, the Forum still has a long way ahead in order to compile obligations and agendas such as European Mayors Meetings to contextualize sustainable development of Asian cities. It seems that one of the solutions to strengthen these meetings is to focus on one domain of issues and problems. And after explaining and analyzing it, finally they can reach to conclusions and tangible and strategic solutions in that field.

As we know, European Mayors Meeting was in 2008 in order to develop the concept of smart city and reduce carbon dioxide by 20% until 2020 through increasing efficiency of energy and renewable energy consumption. Its agreement was completed and approved by European Commission in the framework of 2020 strategic goals. Therefore, Asian Mayors Forum can also focus on an important joint urban issue every year and arrange its measures, programs and scientific products in a letter of commitment and agreement framework and pursue their approval and legal support so as to follow and evaluate the outputs of Forum meetings.

In this way, important Asian metropolises, which they had successful experiences in the field of urban sustainability, urban tourism, sustainable transport and they have global perspective, can be encouraged and use their active participation.

Source: Tasnimnews

Date: September 6, 2015

News ID: 851439


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