Dr. Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozd Abadi

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Dr. Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozd Abadi

Traffic should be smart

Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:41 PM
شماره خبر: 221779

According to the statistics, annually more than 100 trillion Tomans is imposed on country due to damage caused by accidents. It makes smart transport system necessary more than before.

Noting that transport system is vital in all countries since they connect people, goods, services and information and they affect economic efficiency and quality of life in cities and satisfaction level directly Seyyed Mohsen Tabatabaei Mozdabadi, the secretary of IUESA said: transportation passed considerable advances during history and each advance has provided a new economic growth period for cities.

Transport systems have presented new economic opportunities for cities and they have caused easy movement of people, goods and city development.  The backbone of urban economic development is transport development. Sustainable growth and development is not achieved whether in national or in international arena unless there would be efficient transportation infrastructure.

Increasing growth of population and economic centralization in urban areas makes special attention to urban transport policies double. 2.7 billion People will be added to the world urban population by 2050 and 94% of them will live in the developing countries. Specifically, one-third of this population will be in China, India and Nigeria. In this regard, 11 cities from 30 with high traffic and crowded ones are in China.

Generally, advanced economies are those having wide and successful transport system. For example, there are more than 4 million mile roads, 600,000 bridges and 3000 transit terminals in the U.S., yet the annual rate of road deaths is about 40 thousand people, while in our country with 200000 km roads, annually more than 25000 deaths occurs and according to the statistics, more than 100000 billion Tomans is imposed on our country due to damage caused by accidents. It makes smart transport system necessary more than before.

Indicator of transport and traffic were highways joining internal areas of a country in the 20th century or they were stretched from one country to another. Smart traffic systems are counted as a new turning point in the development of communities and towns in the 21st century.

Cities and citizens can have a correct understanding from transport infrastructures and traffic problems. It is obtained by analyzing large amounts of data and information, using tools and modern technologies such as automation, control and optimization systems.

Using intelligent traffic systems, cities can also predict the future to improve the traffic situation. This solution can seriously reduce costs caused by accidents and bring significant impact in economic growth and development.

Source : ILNA News Agency

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